Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Grade At A Glance

First Grade At A Glance
We use the Houghton Mifflin Reading and Houghton Mifflin Mathematics curriculums.

I reserve the right to adjust this schedule to fit the needs of our children.

September: Addition/Subtraction, Letter Name and Sound Review

October: Facts to 10,Farm, Scarecrows, Halloween

November:Data and Graphing, Family and Thanksgiving

December: Numbers and Patterns,Christmas Traditions

January:Facts to 12,Problems and Problem Solving

February:Money,Community Helpers


April:Facts to 20,Plant and Animal interaction

May:Measurement, Time, Habitats

June:Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction,Year End Wrap Up

Other Important Components of the Curriculum
Second Step: This program teaches social skills and problem solving. (Fall Trimester and reviewed throughout the year)

New Science Curriculum: We are very excited to dive into are new Science curriculum and look forward to lots of hands on experiments.

Kiducation: A child friendly music and movement program. (Winter Trimester)

Accelerated Reader: Most first grade students are not ready for this program until Spring Trimester. However, your child may begin as soon as he or she is reading independently with 80% or better comprehension.

Sign Language: A year long enrichment program.


Welcome to First Grade!

Why does a first grade class need a blog? Regular classroom sites only allow parents and students read information. Blogs allow communication between parents, teachers and students. At the end of every post you will find a button which allows you, the reader, to post comments or ask questions. On a regular website a parent could check the weekly homework, note the date of Back To School Night, and view the drawing their child created in the computer lab. On a blog a parent can ask questions about the homework (and get answers by email), give input on what they hope to learn at Back To School Night, and write praises regarding their child's work. Blogs are "better" because they allow all of us to create, question, and build a better learning experience!