Friday, September 21, 2007

Homewoork For The Week Of Sept. 24

Homework for the week of Sept. 24, 2006:
Sept. 25: Picture Day

1.) Complete math practice sheets 19 through 28 and return them to school by Friday.

2.) Words of the Week: Your child will need to be able to read and spell the following words. Please help your child be ready for a spelling test on Friday.

1.) as
2.) is
3.) sit
4.) so
5.) last
6.) stop
7.) list
8.) lost

3.) Please complete your Reading Record. Remember to have a parent sign it each night. Return it to class on Friday.

Family Focus Time: 20 Questions

The game begins with one player thinking of an object. The object can be very general (a dog, for example) or very specific (a cocker spaniel, or even a particular cocker spaniel belonging to someone whom all the players know).

The other players ask yes-or-no questions to try to identify the
mystery object. Altogether the players are allowed to ask only 20 questions. "Is it bigger than a lunchbox?" might be a good first question.

Players take turns asking questions. Questions must be answered truthfully; if "yes" or "no" doesn’t' fit an answer, though, "sometimes" and "sort of" are acceptable.

The player who correctly guesses the mystery object wins the round and gets to choose the next object. If the object is not guessed
in 20 questions, the word chooser reveals the answer and gets to choose again.

Web Site of the Week

PBS Kids: Horses
This website offers fun activities from PBS to help kids learn about horses.

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